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Three New to Me Authors That I’ve Been Loving

I’ve been reading a lot of new authors recently, but these three really stand out. When I was reading everyone’s Midyear Freak Out Challenges I knew I couldn’t answer the question about a new favorite author. I have had several different ones, and I couldn’t choose. So here a a few new to me authors that I’ve been loving.

Junji Ito

I’m new to manga in general, but Junji Ito is a master at horror manga. Actually, he’s a master of horror in general. I don’t normally get super scared when I read, but he freaks me out. He makes me afraid of things I’ve never even thought to be afraid of. There was one night that my husband worked night shift and I had to put down Uzumaki because it freaked me out so much. I plan to read everything he put’s out.

Brandon Sanderson

I have heard about Sanderson for years, but I have never read his work. For some reason, I decided that I wanted to read Skyward and I’ve been hooked ever since. Right now I’m making my way through the Mistborn Trilogy. I should be finishing up The Well of Ascension sometime this week. I really can’t wait to dive further into the Cosmere.

Ken Follet

I just realized I’ve pulled authors from three very different genres to talk about, but Ken Follett is a master of historical fiction. I’ve been reading through The Century Trilogy for a minute now. He makes his characters feel so real. It feels like you could pick up a magazine and read about them. These are dense books but the payoff is worth it.

So those are a few new to me authors. I think they will all end up being lifelong favorites.

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