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Bookish Christmas Book Tag

Christmas is almost here! It’s time for all the festive things, so let do the Bookish Christmas Book Tag. I don’t know who created this tag, but I found it last year at

Father Christmas: Name a book you received as a child that you treasure to this day.

I can’t think of a specific book. I received so many. I treasure each book that was gifted to me because it made me the reader I am today.

The Ghost of Christmas Past: Is there a book or series you like to revisit each year at Christmas time?

Not really. I don’t read a lot of Christmas themed books. I usually start reading more folklore and winter-based fantasy around this time of year though.

Christmas Tree: Name a series that reaches new heights with every entry.

The Mistborn series! I just finished The Hero of Ages the other day and I’m amazed. It just keeps getting better. I hope I enjoy era two as much as I enjoyed the first era.

Friends and Family: Name a book with fantastic characters.

The Secret History. I’ve just started it, but the characters are so developed. They’re a little sketchy, but still.

Decorations: Name a book with a gorgeous cover you would proudly display on your shelves.

A History of Wild Places has a gorgeous cover. It’s even more stunning in person.

Christmas Cards: Name a book that carries a great message.

A Christmas Carol carries a great message, especially for this time of year. I’m not going to go into detail because I’m sure you know the message.

Ice and Snow: Name a book that you were hoping to love but which ultimately left you feeling cold.

The Shadow of the Gods was so disappointing! I heard so many people rave about it but halfway in I decided I didn’t care about any of it.

Christmas Lunch: Name a book that was big and intimidating but oh so worth it in the end.

Fall of Giants by Ken Follet is so big. The entire series is, but so far the time invested has been worth it. I love each character and plotline.

Mince Pies: Name a book you found sweet and satisfying.

I don’t read a lot of sweet books. The closest thing I can think of is Tuck Everlasting and it’s bittersweet at best.

Presents: What book do you wish you could give everyone to read?

Right now, The Secret History. I’m enamored by this book. I can’t put it down. I don’t normally like to repeat books in a tag, but I think everyone would love this.

Spreading Festive Cheer: Tag some friends to help spread the bookish love.

If you’re reading this, I tag you!

I hope you enjoyed the Bookish Christmas Book Tag. Are you ready for Christmas?

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