Reading Update: Fall Camping Recap

We went camping this weekend. It was perfect weather, and it was exactly what my soul needed. So, let’s do a reading update and a weekend recap.


We left early Friday morning and stopped at our favorite breakfast spot on the way to the campsite. Once we got there, we set up the camper and the campsite. We have a pop-up camper, and it takes some time to set up. But we’ve finally found a system that works for us.

After we finally got set up, I was able to read some. I decided to bring along House of Sky and Breath. I read a decent amount on Friday, but we spent a lot of time just exploring the campground.


Saturday, we woke up and had breakfast then my husband and his brother went fishing. I took advantage of some quiet time and read a pretty good chunk of my book by the campfire.

It was also the first morning that I’ve been able to wear a hoodie since winter. It’s my kind of weather and I’m loving it.

We also took some time and went to a local fall festival. There were so many art vendors and snacks. We had a ton of fun.

I spent the majority of Saturday evening reading as well. I read about three hundred pages while we were camping, which is the most I’ve read in quite a while. I was so thankful for some uninterrupted time to dive back into my favorite hobby. And I can genuinely say that I’m enjoying House of Sky and Breath so far.


On Sunday, we packed up and headed home pretty early. We had a memorial service to attend. But camping close to home let us squeeze in a camping trip when we might not could have otherwise. I was so thankful for a great weekend with my family and friends.

BAM! Books-A-Million

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