2024 Reading Goals

Happy New Year! I hope it’s the best year yet! One of my favorite parts of the new year is setting new goals. So, I just wanted to take a second to share my 2024 reading goals.

Read 50 Books

I reached my goal of 100 books in 2023, but it took some effort. This year I have some pretty chunky reads on my tbr and I just don’t want to be stressed out by my numbers goal. So, I’m backing it down to 50 this year so I can focus on what I want to read.

Finish the Secret Projects.

I haven’t read any of Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Projects yet. I want to finish up all of the other Cosmere books first so that I can pick out the Easter eggs in the Secret Projects. I finished Warbreaker at the end of last year so it’s finally time to start the others. And I’m really excited for them.

Trim Down TBR.

I still have a ridiculous number of unread books on my tbr shelf, and I need to cut back. So, this year I either want to unhaul or read what I have. I’ve made a dent in it last year and I want to continue to do that.

Buy Less.

Another way to keep my tbr in check is to buy less. I want to focus on saving money this year and I really could cut out a lot of unnecessary spending on books. I should probably be able to keep myself entertained with the books that I currently have for the first few months of the year.

Buy used when possible.

I’m not going to lie to myself and say I’m not going to buy anything. I’m a mood reader and I get distracted sometimes. So, when I buy a book, I want to buy used when possible. I love Pangobooks already so this should be an easy goal.

Complete series.

I need to complete the series that I start. It’s become such a bad habit of mine to start a series and never pick up a sequel. I want to change that this year.

Visit more indie stores.

There are a lot of new books coming out this year so I will have to make exceptions to the buy used rule. When I do buy new books, I want to buy from independent bookstores when I can. That’s one reason I love bookshop.org. It’s a great way to support independent bookstores with the convenience of buying online.

Start rolling book fund.

Lastly, I’m starting a new concept to help myself stay in budget and to read books that I already have. I’m going to start a rolling book fund. In January, I’m going to set aside $100 for this fund. Whatever, I don’t spend in January will rollover to February. Then I will put $20 into that fund every month for the rest of the year. In theory, if I see that I only have X amount of dollars that I can spend this month maybe it will keep me in check, hahaha. I’ll let you know how it goes throughout the year.

So those are my 2024 reading goals. Have you set any goals for the year?

16 thoughts on “2024 Reading Goals

  1. I love your challenges for 2024. Having a book fund and buying used books sounds a great way to keep spending in check. I’ve started to buy a lot more used books online from places like Worldofbooks and abebooks. Reducing your number of books so that you can concentrate better on the ones you read sounds really sensible too. Have a great year of reading.

  2. Pingback: - Wildwood Reads

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